Unleash Your Creative Genius

Muhammad Sajwani
6 min readOct 31, 2023


In this article, we shall attempt to pull together the most essential information about creativity, how creativity works, how to find hidden creative genius, and how to create meaningful work by learning how to make creative thinking a habit. When we think of creative geniuses of our world, the first few names that pop up in our mind are: Vincent van Gogh , Pablo Picasso, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Ludwig van Beethoven. But believe it or not, all of us have an inner creative genius.

Most people think creativity is inborn — a trait only a few blessed people have. Well, this is highly debatable and to me, could not be farther from the truth. Like everything else, creativity is a skill just like Focus it is a muscle, it can be trained to reach its maximum potential. With the proper knowledge and training, you, too, can unlock your inner creative genius. And in this article, you will learn exactly how to do that!

1. Stay Open to New Ideas

To unleash creative genius, the first thing we need to do is to always stay open to new ideas. This means we have to unlearn our previous ideas about creativity. Know that there’s no such thing as “naturally creative” or “naturally talented.” Even world-class athletes need training to win olympic medals, and the same goes for artists and people from other walks of life. The artists we know aren’t lucky, nor did they win the creativity lottery. They worked day and night to develop their skills.

The point is, no artist was born creative, and magnum opuses weren’t created overnight. Creatives shed blood, sweat, and tears to become truly great at their craft. While this can sound daunting, it also means that we, too, can become a creative genius — all we need is to put in the hard work and keep on practicing.

2. Practice X 3

My profession has a lot to do with creativity and my circle does have a few great people who are creative. Every time I ask them how they honed their skills, they keep telling me the same thing: practice. All aspiring creative people are probably tired of hearing that they need to practice, but there’s a reason why great creative geniuses keep telling us that — because it works! Have you ever seen those reels of illustrators where they showed their work from years ago to now? Did you see how much they’ve improved? It sometimes seems unbelievable because of how good they’ve become overtime, but the real credit goes to their passion and years of practice.

So, let’s pick up the pen and write our very first article. Pick up the guitar and write the first song. Or pick up the brush and create our first painting. I know people may be reluctant to start off at once, and we may probably be thinking: what if it ends up really bad? Well, I have some bad news for you: it will not be as good as you might expect. But that’s also how it was for all the best creatives in history. It will be bad at the beginning, but don’t let that discourage us.

3. Entertain Curiosity

As they say in English: Curiosity killed the cat. I don’t really believe in that. I like to believe that the cat became a good artist. Why? Well, curiosity is deeply ingrained in our DNA. As humans, we naturally love to know the unknown. And if we want to unleash our creative genius, we have to allow ourselves to stay curious.

This is because curiosity is an important driving force for creativity. It allows us to ask, “What if?” As in: what if I create something new? Allowing ourselves to be curious sparks our interest to try new things. Curious about how a certain product was created? Maybe you can try your hand at painting. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up enjoying it! And even if you don’t, at least you were able to try something new. After all, it’s the excitement of novelty that makes our lives worthwhile.

4. Nothing is Silly

Our creativity is usually held back by the fear of creating something “stupid.” But when it comes to creativity, there’s really no such thing. New ideas might seem bold and ridiculous, but that’s only because no one’s done that before. I would even argue that all older children magical stories were ridiculed until Harry Potter became mainstream.

The point is, if we want to unleash our inner creative genius, don’t let that voice in your head telling us our ideas are “stupid”. This may stop us from creating. Sure, the first few ideas might not be really good, but as long as we allow ourselves to come up with new ideas constantly, the next one will always be better than the previous one and so on and so forth. The important thing to know is that when we’re creating, especially as a beginner, we must practice kindness to ourselves and our craft.

5. Always Simplify

Creativity is no rocket science. There’s no complicated formula that could solve the problem of how we can unleash our inner creative genius. Being creative is as simple as allowing ourselves to be creative. Let’s take some time during the day where we can practice. Research on the techniques you need to master in order to get better.

Let’s not beat ourselves up if we feel we’ve created something bad. Like I’ve said, it’s all part of the process. Remember: being creative doesn’t mean rising to the level of the very well renowned names of this world. It simply means being able to bring our imagination to life.

Wrap Up

Always remember that unlocking our creativity requires all the above and may be some more effort. By following these tips, we can tap into our inner genius and come up with innovative ideas that can benefit all aspects of our lives.

Unlocking the inner creative genius is easier than we might think. As long as we keep on practicing, learning, and satisfying our curiosity, our creativity will keep on developing. In the process of becoming more creative. Trust the process, and soon enough, you’ll be able to breathe life into all your great ideas.

About the Author

Muhammad Sajwani is a C-Level HR, Transformation Leader, Board Advisor, Business Coach & Organisational Consultant working in the capacity of Managing Director, Evolve HR. He is an author, columnist and a contributor who besides writing for other platforms also regularly writes at BizCatalyst 360. He brings along 30+ years of local & international experience. He is a change catalyst specializing in unleashing the human Dreamgenius through Leadership, Creativity and Change Management. Muhammad has been instrumental in helping organizations come to terms with organizational changes like right-sizing and business process re-engineering. His innovative approach & high personal competence encourages people to not only accept change, but also to excel in it. Muhammad has diverse experience in conducting strategic & management development programs, conferences & events for organizations across sectors.



Muhammad Sajwani
Muhammad Sajwani

Written by Muhammad Sajwani

C-Level HR, Transformation Leader, Board Advisor, Writer, Business Coach & Organisational Consultant, Founder, Principal Constant & MD of Evolve HR.

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