Why ‘Strengths & Weaknesses’ related questions during the Job Interviews?
“Describe strengths and weaknesses” is one question that makes most candidates somewhat uncomfortable. The million-dollar question is how one answers it. Again, it varies from one candidate to another as how do they respond. However, when we respond to this question, we must start by saying that we are aware of our challenges and how we are working to overcome those. Understanding how to answer this interview question can improve our chances of being seen as reasonable candidates and receiving a job offer.
In this article, we shall discuss examples of both strengths and weaknesses and provide tips on how to prepare our responses.
Why employers ask this question?
A job is never a skillset alone that we sell to an employer. It’s primarily the behaviour as well. In other words, it’s a complete package. A hiring manager asks this question to understand how self-aware a candidate is. They want to know if s/he is familiar with what areas of improvement and what steps s/he needs to take. They also want to know what a candidate thinks about his/her qualities which will be applied in the new role in their organisation.
Preparing ahead of time for an interview question concerning our strengths and weaknesses is a valuable use of our time before the actual interview. Even if a hiring manager doesn’t ask about strengths and weaknesses specifically, writing out our response on a piece of paper to this common question can help us describe what we can offer to an employer and how we wish to grow in our professional career in future.
How to answer “What are your strengths?
A hiring manager may ask “What are your strengths?”, but you can also prepare for them to deliver this question using different phrasing. For example, they may ask “When they’re describing you, what is one word your colleagues and managers would use to describe you?” While these questions don’t ask you about your strengths directly, they encourage you to talk about your positive attributes. Start by clearly stating your strength. Then, you can strengthen your answer by providing context and telling a story. Address the traits that qualify you for the available position and distinguish you as a candidate.
Here are some examples to reference as you create your own response:
Example 1
Here’s an example answer from a candidate who has strong leadership skills:“I’ve always been a natural leader. With more than 10 years of experience in sales, I’ve exceeded my KPIs every quarter and have been promoted four times. Reflecting on those successes, I know that I wouldn’t have reached them if I hadn’t built and led teams of highly skilled and diverse individuals. I’m proud of my ability to get cross-functional groups to collaborate well. I’ve regularly honed my management skills through 360 reviews with my team, and I know I want to continue to build my leadership skills in my next role
Example 2
Here’s an example response from a candidate with strong collaboration skills:“I strongly believe in team collaboratiion and have always preferred to work with the teams. In the project teams I’ve directed, worked with a variety of people and motivated them through diverse creative tasks. Since I began managing my current team, I’ve increased productivity by 15% and retention by 25% over three years.
Example 3
Consider this example answer from a candidate whose strength is their interpersonal skills:“I’m an empathetic person who’s skilled at relating to people. In one memorable instance from earlier this year, I was on a call with a customer whose contract for car insurance we had terminated. Reinstating the service agreement would’ve caused her rates to increase dramatically, which was something she couldn’t afford at the time. She was understandably upset and worried.It became clear that we couldn’t meet her needs, but I wanted her to walk away with a favorable impression of the service we had provided. I talked her through some of her other options and even let her know of other providers who might be able to offer her a lower rate so she could avoid a lapse in coverage. In the feedback survey from that interaction, she specifically mentioned that she would still be recommending our services to others.
Turning a weakness into a strength
To answer the question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” we can be sure to mention a weakness but we don’t have to leave it as a weakness, though, as it’s possible to transform a weakness into a strength. We can start by giving a truthful answer as to what our weakness is. Then, we can explain how we’ve been working to improve it. We can also state what lessons we’ve learned and how we’re becoming a better personby identifying our weaknesses.
Wrap Up
Navigating the “What are your weaknesses?” question in job interviews requires finesse, self-awareness, and strategic communication. By choosing relevant weaknesses, emphasizing growth and improvement, and maintaining a positive attitude, one can turn the tables and question into an opportunity to showcase suitability for the role. Remember, honesty and authenticity are key, so approach the question with sincerity and confidence. With preparation and practice, one can master the art of answering this question and leave a lasting impression on the interviewers.
At the end of the day (or, at least, at the end of the interview), what the recruiters, potential colleagues, and supervisors we met may not be really interested in our biggest strength and weakness. All they want to know what kind of person we are and how we can contribute to the Bigger Picture. The question itself “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” = Are you the kind of person who can contribute the bigger picture? Let’s be honest about our abilities, and take advantage of opportunities to improve and grow.
About the Author
Muhammad Sajwani is a C-Level HR, Transformation Leader, Board Advisor, Business Coach & Organisational Consultant working in the capacity of Managing Director, Evolve HR. He is an author, columnist and a contributor who besides writing for other platforms also regularly writes at BizCatalyst 360. He brings along 30+ years of local & international experience. He is a change catalyst specializing in unleashing the human Dreamgenius through Leadership, Creativity and Change Management. Muhammad has been instrumental in helping organizations come to terms with organizational changes like right-sizing and business process re-engineering. His innovative approach & high personal competence encourages people to not only accept change, but also to excel in it. Muhammad has diverse experience in conducting strategic & management development programs, conferences & events for organizations across sectors.